Three couples traveled to Spearfish/Sturgis, SD from August 30-Sept 3, for the 17th Sturgis Mustang Rally. It took 2 days to get there with our Mustangs.
We participated in Northern Hills Fun Run to Deadwood on Thursday. We searched for raffle boxes for a chance to win prizes. Shelly won a prize!
On Friday, we went on the Black Hills Poker Run. On the 2nd stop, we went to the dragstrip and participated in a drag race! We drove all the way to Custer and back to Sturgis, with stops at the Crazy Horse Monument and Mt. Rushmore. With the help of Hal drawing a good hand of cards, Dave & Debbie won 4th place in the Poker Run!
Saturday was the Show & Shine on Main St in Sturgis. There were so many different Mustangs! We all won awards in our different classifications- 1 Silver and 2 Bronze!
It was a fun road trip and great time with friends!
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