June 2

Sandy Valley Run-Mooarvelous!

Great drive to Sandy Valley! We enjoyed a leisurely breakfast at the Cluck-N-Moo. A perfect opportunity to get to know members and be apart of a local experience. Ask any member participating, is was something to cluck about!


Car Run, Mustang, Sandy Valley

  1. A fun day with club members! The Cluck-N-Moo was the perfect stop – love the decor and feeling of being in your Grandma's kitchen. Ready for the next run!

  2. It was a fun day to get the Mustang out for a drive. We recently moved here and joined the club. It is a great way to meet people, make new friends and see more of the area around Las Vegas.

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Get In Touch

Come to a meeting!

We meet every third Tuesday of the month at Dean's Place located at 8355 Dean Martin Drive. If you wish, dinner and social hour at 6:00 PM. General Meeting at 7:00 PM.

Email:  lasvegasvalleymustangclub@gmail.com
